Now a days we hear the term self-care thrown left and right, but all we see are ads for face masks, shower bombs, lip balm, and scented candles. Thanks to the media we are drowning with fake self-care remedies by companies looking to sell their products. Many of the self-care remedies are just means of pampering oneself, but self-care is more than that. That’s not to say you shouldn’t treat yourself, but don’t mistaken pampering for self-care. I’m going to show you 6 easy ways to detox and get you on the road to true self-care.

A detox is a great way for you to partake in some self-care time. The best part is you feel more energized, cleaned, and happy to conquer the day and tackle those BIG goals!

Taking care of our bodies can restore and improve our healing processes, improve our mood, boost energy, and remove toxins from our bodies through the process of detoxification.

Our bodies have their own way of detoxifying through the liver, kidneys and intestines; however, we can aid our bodies by optimizing the detoxification process through a few simple steps:

1. Focus on pure foods
Focus on organic foods that support the body’s detox mechanism. Pure foods give your body the vitamins and minerals it needs to support its function. They also contain antioxidants which help fight off against free radicals, (molecules that cause damage to your cells).

2. Stay Hydrated
You hear this ALL the time, but man is does it have a huge impact on your body. Your kidneys are the most essential organ in the process of detoxification so drinking an adequate amount of water per day is essential in the detoxification process.
3. Dry brushing
Dry brushing is easy to add to your morning routine. Just as the name implies, dry brushing requires you to brush your body starting at the feet and brush in an upward motion towards the heart. Dedicating 3-5 minutes of brushing will stimulate your lymphatic system and aid in the removal of toxins, waste, and other unwanted materials.
4. Hot & Cold Shower
Here’s an inexpensive and effective way of detoxifying your body.
Cold water exposure produces compensatory vasodilatation in the vascular system, resulting in increased blood flow. This supports the expansion of the muscles. Cold water is also alkalizing to the body as it has more oxygen due to its temperature.
This remedy helps circulation, immune system, and aids the lymphatic system in releasing toxic waste. (Oh, and by hot I don’t mean boiling hot!!!)  
5. Epsom Salts Bath
An Epsom salt bath is a relaxing method of a detox. Bathing in Epsom salt helps remove toxins from your body by the absorption of magnesium.
6. Sweat it Out!
Whether you sweat at a sauna or partake in some type of physical activities your body will thank you. You relieve your liver and kidneys from the burden of having to rid the body of toxins. Sweating helps get rid of those toxic chemicals and heavy metals in the body. Through sweating you eliminant many of those toxins through the skin.

Let me know in the comments below which one(s) of these detox methods you’re going to try out!

Don’t forget to be the best version of you,



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