How to Create Goals & Stick to Them 2020

How to Create Goals & Stick to Them

How to Create Goals & Stick to Them
Setting goals is probably the most outdated piece of advice anyone can give you, and yet we’ve never been taught or encouraged to do so. Those who create goals and work towards them live a meaningful life and improve their wellbeing according to psychologist, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Our minds experience immense pleasure when we exceed our limitations and set goals for ourselves.

How to Create Goals?
Take some time out of your day, find a quiet spot where you can be one with your thoughts. Away from distractions, begin to write down all of your goals as they appear in your mind. Maybe you want to buy a car, a house, or become financially stable. 

(If you like being creative, create a vision board for yourself!) 

Now that you have all your goals on a sheet of paper, it's time to create a plan of action.

Writing down your goals without a plan of action is like trying to build something without an instruction manual.
When you look at your goals you are only seeing the final product on paper. Now we have to turn that goal into a structured plan of execution.
Start by asking yourself questions.

For example: Your goal is to finish paying your car.
How much do I owe? ($10,000)
How can I make that money? (Side hustle, picking up extra hours, getting another job, etc.)
When do I want to get this done by? (Before I move out of my parents house, before 2021, etc.)
Let’s say you want to get this done by 2021. (It’s currently 01/01/2020).
Divide $10,000 by 12 months
You’d have to make $833.33 per month
Let’s say you work a job that currently brings in $1,000 each month, but after all expenses are paid you are left with $300. You need an extra $533.33 per month to meet you goal.
Find yourself a side hustle, pick up more hours, or get a second job to make up for it.

(This is just a quick example to illustrate how to break down your goals into a plan)

Now that you’ve set your goals you must follow through with them. After beginning your journey your motivation begins to dwindle and you feel less enticed to keep going. But remember why you started.

  • Become self-disciplined:

You must program your habits to favor your goals. If you want to see change in your life you must change your behavior/habits. A great way of doing this is creating a time block.
For example: 
I want to improve my photography skills. Each day from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM I will do research and practice. So, if your friend tells you, “hey want to hang out”, let them know you are busy from 9-12. 
  • Keep your goals insight.

And I mean literally keep them insight. It's not enough to create a goal sheet or vision board just to keep it in your closet. Keep your goals insight, on your desk, in your kitchen, or wherever you know you’ll always see it. It’s a great reminder to keep moving forward. 
  • Don't be your worst critic.

You shouldn’t put yourself down because you missed out on a workout session. Remember, you only lose if you give up. So get up and keep pushing forward.
  • Be your own cheerleader.

I highly encourage you to give yourself a talk every single morning about how amazing you are. Tell yourself how smart, strategic, and successful you are. Using positive affirmations everyday will help manifest success into your life. 

Remember, you have the power to live life the way you want.  

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