How to Create a Business Plan

How to Create the Perfect Business Plan + Free Printable Outline Step by Step “If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail” -Benjamin Franklin Not only is a business plan an great resource for you to manage your business more successfully, but it’s also a huge part of getting funding and creating business partnerships. This business plan serves you as a tool that will show investors that investing in your company is a smart move. So I’m going to break this plan down for you and down below their will be two FREE pintables and for you to get started with your planning. Business Plan: Executive Summary : Your executive summary will serve as your company’s overview. Summaries what your business is about and the products/services it offers. You should include your company’s mission statement. Give some information about your employees, location, and financial information. Company Description : This section is all about the who, what, where, and when of your...