Why You Should Meditate - The Benefits & Perks of Meditating

Why You Should Meditate If you’re anything like me, you’ll want to know what you’ll get in return for time. Every morning I wake up and meditate for 5-10 minutes when I could clearly get a head start on the day, but I choose to meditate and prioritize my health because of the benefits. Life doesn’t always live up to your expectation and many times you suffer from it in the form of stress, anxiety, anger, depression, and many other unpleasant feelings. We suffer from our tendency to compare our lives to some ideal image of what our life should be like. This self-created image of what our life should be like comes from our childhood conditioning, personal desires, and the media. That perfect vision of the life you want to have sets such high expectations and you have to be ready to pay a high price for it, because when life fails to live up to those expectations, you suffer from it. You might j...